Monday, November 10, 2008

Embarrassing moments, Katherin, Weight Loss, Kids, and all the other stuff

I feel like it has been a while since I have had a real posting here. I mean, lets not forget my final word on Prop. 8 - but that has nothing to do with whats going on in my life...and that is what this blog is about - the life of JK.

OK - I had an extremely embarrassing moment today from something that happened yesterday. I am driving to church with Hallie (we were on our way to my Nieces baby blessing) and out of nowhere I just decide to start singing to her. Admit it. You sing all the time in the car. Difference probably is that I was going solo with no background help whatsoever.

Anyhow - in the midst of my singing I hear this noise coming from my earbuds connected to my iPhone. I look at the phone and I see the name " Marianne Phillips" and a time of 29 seconds. Marianne is my boss and evidently the noise I hear is hear laughing hysterically.

I just hung up. At the time I didnt know she was laughing - I found out today thats what I heard as she proudly told our entire office in our team meeting this morning.

For those who want to know - I dont know the name of the song. I just know the words and at this point I am definitely not in the singing mood.

Katherins Health. For those who haven't heard, Katherin had and appendectomy about 2 1/2 weeks ago. A lot of people have asked about her and how it all went down - I really havent had a chance to respond so here it goes.
  • On Oct. 22 I am working late and while on the last train possible I get a call from Katherin saying she is on her way to the Emergency Room. After 24 hours was up she realized is wasnt the 24 hour flu.

  • I got to the hospital about 7 and around 2 am she was discharged with the diagnosis being a burst cyst on one of her ovaries. Painful and more common than you might think. We are told to home, sleep, the pain will be gone shortly and see the OB.

  • The next morning at 9:30 we get a call from the hospital saying they were wrong and to come back - she had appendicitis.

  • By noon she was in surgery.

  • According to the Dr. all went well. (Liar)

  • By the time nightfall came I had 4 hours of sleep in a 48 period of time and decided to go home. That became code for nurses to ignore Katherin.

  • That night Katherin went completely ignored for 7 hours in which she endured no pain medicine and she described it as a 7 hour delivery of a baby.

  • After serious complaining - we recieved good care the following day and half. She stayed one more night and went home on the evening of the third day.

  • After about a week the incision area became hard - but not to be concerned.

  • On Oct. 30 she went to the Dr. to have it looked at and they declared it part of the healing process.

  • On Oct. 31 infection starting oozing from the incision area and we went back to the ER (different hospital this time)

  • Evidently she had a pretty serious infection.

  • They had to cut her open - and yes I watched. I could never be a doctor. Completely disgusting. After opening her up and squeezing the infection out, they loaded the open wound area with gauze.

  • Two days later they removed it and replaced it with rubber tubing to let the infection leak out more - but allow the wound to heal.

  • Two days later the tubing come out on its own.

  • Now Katherin is finally doing fine.
So that is the skinny - hopefully end of story.

Where I am at with Weight Loss. With all of Kats medical issues over the last three weeks - I had little time to focus on myself. I was doing double duty as Mom, Dad and busy time at work. Needless to say I have only been alble to workout 3 times in teh last three weeks. However - I have been able to watch what I eat.

So for accountability records - I am down to 210. That is a couple of pounds loss since my last posting on becoming a loser.

I hope to a bigger loser in upcoming weeks despite the holidays.

A missionary farewell and a baby blessing. This weekend was awesome crazy. All my family was in town for my neices baby blessing. Even my cousins Tiffany and Tessa made it down with my Aunt Tina. It was great.

This weekend was also Katherins brothers mission farewell. He reports this Wednesday and is going to serve in Eugene Oregon.

Fishing with my brothers. For the first time I can remember - me and my two brothers spent a day together. It was awesome. We went Sea Fishing. Some call it Deep Sea Fishing - but it wasnt. It was like a mile south of the harbour and a half mile of shore. So it was just ocean fishing.

The only keeper was Richards sheepshead. He caught a few others. I forget what they were, and same with Pat. I caught three small fish. A seabass, a rockfish, and a mackrell. Not the holy kind, just a regular ole terrestrial mackerel.

The best part was hanging out with my brothers. I hope we do it again soon.

Work is INSANE. End of story.

Going to Hawaii. Despite work being totally insane - its taking me to Honolulu this week. So thats why I am not complaining. Kat gets to come. We will have two days of work and two days of pleasure. I will post pics later. We leave Wednesday and get back on Sunday morning around 5 am. Poor kids - they get to go to Grandmas.

I like Adobe Photoshop. Check out the pic I did of the kids with it.

Facebook is a gentle reminder that I am out of touch. I dont feel old. I definitely dont act old. I dont even think I look old. But some say I sound older on the phone. But lately as I have been on Facebook I have been reminded that there there is an up and coming generation behind me. Terms like tagged and poke have different meanings. I am instantly connected to people of my past who were never my friends, never intended on being friends - but for some reason Facebook has made them my friend. I am ok with that though. But can someone please help me figure out what it means to poke somebody. I mean, how rude.

In conclusion - I have spent the entire train ride home on this posting and almost my entire battery life.

Its been a good hour.

1 comment:

Andy Porter said...

Man, I am so sorry to hear about Katherin. What a nightmare!! I'm glad things are finally turning around. We would have loved to see you over Thanksgiving weekend. We are actually going out of town as well. Bummer timing! Thanks for thinking of us though.